April 6th 2021
The coaltion of action takes a position on the "draft law to adapt copyright law to the requirements of the digital single market".
Opinion of April 6, 2021 on the Draft Law.
Opinion of Februar 22, 2021 on the Draft Law.
Opinion of November 6, 2020 on the Draft Bill.
October 7th 2020
Published by de Gruyter:
Rainer Kuhlen, „Die Transformation der Informationsmärkte in Richtung Nutzungsfreiheit — Alternativen zur Als-ob-Regulierung im Wissenschaftsurheberrecht“.
Online unter DOI: 10.1515/9783110693447
February 28th 2018
UrhWissG comes into force — not a big progress, but greater legal certainty and some improvements
(Press Release)
November 20th 2017
All presentations given at our anual meeting on November 8, 2017 are available online:
June 7th 2017
The copyright reform (UrhWissG) was passed — facilitation, but no reason to cheer
(Press Release)
June 26th 2017
An appeal to the German Bundestag: The UrhWissG has to be passed without restrictions within this legislative period.
The Coalition for Action calls on the two chairmen of the CDU/CSU and of the SPD, Volker Kauder and Thomas Oppermann,
to release the governmental draft for the German Copyright Act for the vote in the Bundestag, and then
we call the members of the Bundestag to eatablish the law without restrictions.
(Press Release)
May 22nd 2017
FAZ, you can not win this fight — distorted journalism in terms of copyright by publisher and managing director of FAZ newspaper
The action alliance criticizes the open letter of the editors and managing directors to the German Bundesrat of 12.5.2017 and of the 18.05.2017 to the deputies of the German Bundestag.
Through these letters the "makers" of the newspaper try to exert pressure on the legislature. This behavior can only be described as unusual and extremely dubious.
(Press Release)
May 10th 2017
Der Bundesrat sollte sich nicht von den Untergangsszenarien des Börsenvereins blenden lassen.
Wir haben in einer Stellungnahme an den Bundesrat diesen aufgefordert, den Gesetzesentwurf zum
„Urheberrechts-Wissensgesellschafts-Gesetz — UrhWissG“ anlässlich seiner Plenarsitzung am
12. Mai 2017 nicht aufzuhalten, sondern im Prinzip zu unterstützen.
(Press Release).
April 27th 2017
Die Zeit drängt: Bildung und Wissenschaft brauchen eine Reform des Urheberrechts!
Wir unterstützen weiter den vom Bundeskabinett beschlossenen Gesetzentwurf für eine Reform des Urheberrechts, jedoch
bedauern wir die Verschlechterungen des Regierungsentwurfs im Vergleich zum Referentenentwurf.
(Press Release)
February 14th 2017
We make you aware that on the website is being tried, to manipulate
the public and in particular the authors in education and science with incorrect claims in favor of
publishers' interests.
(Press Release).
January 24th 2017
The way has not yet come to an end — but the direction is right
The Coalition for Action sees in the draft bill for a "Copyright Law Knowledge Society Act —
UrhWissG" from the ministry for justice an important step in the direction of an education and science-friendly copyright law.
(Press Release)
December 21st 2016
The road to the One General Exception for Education and Research (ABWS) should now be free now & mdash; Go ahead, Minister Maas!
(Press Release).
December 15th 2016
KMK, VG Wort and HRK must finally create clarity
The joint press release of KMK, VG Wort and HRK from 9 December 2016 is a source of uncertainty and confusion in the universities.
What should actually be done with the electronic semester apprentices from 1 January 2017? Further is currently
deleted or placed texts invisible. There is a need for action!
(Press Release)
December 12th 2016
And they seem to still be able to move - KMK and VG-Wort. And the university rector conference (HRK) is now on board.
However, the transitional regulation from the beginning of 2017 is still unclear.
Debt to the present obvious disaster around the framework
contract to § 52a UrhG is ultimately the intolerable delay tactics of the policy.
(Press Release).
November 23rd 2016
Folder with our recommendations for dealing with the framework contract between KMK and VG-Wort to § 52a UrhG has been published.
(Press Release)
November 16th 2016
Offener Brief an den Bundesminister der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz Heiko Maas: „Bitte lassen Sie den Schleier von
diesem verdeckten Objekt [dem Entwurf einer Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsschranke im Urheberrecht] wegreißen!
Der Öffentlichkeit ist das Spiel mit Andeutungen nicht länger zuzumuten.“
November 7th 2016
No panic — the § 52a framework contract does not have to be the last word for remuneration in science copyright law
(Press Release)
October 11th 2016
The nonsense irritating the education and science simply goes on —
on the framework contract for the remuneration of claims for uses according to § 52a UrhG in education and research
(Press Release).
October 4th 2016
Comment of the Coalition for Action for a proposal from the EU Commission
(COM(2016) 593 final)
published on September 14, 2016
on “Copyright in the Digital Single Market”
September 27th 2016
The proposal of the European Commission from September 14, 2016 for a new Copyright Directive is of no help to a
science-friendly copyright.
(Press Release).
October 15 and 16, 2015
During our Annual Meeting in Berlin, the latest developments in European and in Germany
Copyright law were discussed. A new steering group of the Coalition was elected.
The Annual Meeting in 2016 is scheduled to be in Berlin on November 10 and 11, 2016.
A Summary of the Presentations and Discussion is available.
Folders on
June 17th 2015
The Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament has in its meeting on June 16, 2015 voted on
the so-called “Reda Report” about the evaluation of a European copyright.
It was agreed, among others, the estimation of the author, that „…libraries make an indispensable contribution
to knowledge distribution and are intended to be authorized inter alia to the right of borrowing information in its digital format…“
In parallel, Reda stresses that authors should be granted an appropriate reward for this digital lending.
May 8th 2015
The requirement to set up a
comprehensive exception to the rights of education and science in copyright law,
initiated by the Coalition for Action and by
is now arrived at the vice president, Digital Single Market of the EU Commission, Andrus Ansip,
through a letter of
May 6th2015
Today the EU presented its vision for ‚A Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe‘.
Section 2.4. touches upon copyright issues for education and science, specifically on text and data mining.
Our Coalition will follow the ongoing debate about the EU copyright reform and will promote the need for a
comprehensive exception in favour of education and science.
April 22nd 2015
To the World Book and Copyright Day it is recalled: authors, education and research need access.
April 20th 2015
Prof. Dr. Rainer Kuhlen zum § 52b Urteil des BGH:
„Für Bildung und Wissenschaft [..] ist die Entscheidung ein wichtiger Schritt in Richtung eines bildungs- und wissenschaftsfreundlichen Urheberrechts.“
January 26th 2015
Informationsblatt zum Zweitverwertungsrecht für wissenschaftliche Artikel erschienen. Falls Sie größere Stückzahlen zum Auslegen bei Tagungen etc. benötigen, kontaktieren Sie uns einfach.
(Flyer zum Selbstausdrucken...)
December 4th 2014
Aktualisierter Textvorschlag einer allgemeinen und umfassenden Bildungs- und
Wissenschaftsklausel vorgestellt
December 5th 2014
Prof. Dr. Rainer Kuhlen:
„Alle Experten [...] waren sich einig, dass eine umfassende Lösung gefunden werden muss und zwar als Ersatz für die verschiedenen, weitgehend unbrauchbaren Schranken, neben
§ 52a auch die §§ 52b und 53a.“
December 1st 2014
Pressemitteilung zur Entfristung von § 52a UrhG — ein notwendiger aber nicht ausreichender Schritt in Richtung eines wissenschafts- und bildungsfreundlichen Urheberrechts
November 29th 2014
All slides from our annual meeting in Berlin on November 17, 2014 are online available
September 18th 2014
We are represented this week at the 70th German Jurists Day in Hannover with a stand. Visit us in the domed hall
August 21st 2014
The Coalition signed the
The Lyon Declaration
on Access to Information and Development
(Lyon Declaration)
August 8th 2014
Global coalition of access to research, science and education organizations calls on STM to withdraw its new model licenses which is not compatible with any Creative Commons licenses.
(text of the statement)
July 17th 2014
Strategy of the Federal Government on the European Research Area (ERA):
“The Federal Government is striving to improve copyright law and thus take greater consideration of the needs of science, research and education in the digital age and to tap the potential of digitization in these areas. Specifically, it aims to introduce a blanket exemption for teaching and research purposes.”
(Strategy paper)
May 15th 2014
The Coalition for Action supports the initiative taken for immediate open access to research articles and agains long embargo periods.
(text of the statement)
May 11th 2014
Prof. Dr. Rainer Kuhlen:
„Eine umfassende Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsklausel wird gebraucht, keine leicht auszuhebelnde Schranke! Die vom Aktionsbündnis vorgeschlagene Klausel
formuliert einen umfassenden Rechtsanspruch für freie Nutzung von publiziertem Wissen in Wissenschaft und Bildung.“
December 2nd 2013:
Die Landesregierung Baden-Württemberg betritt in Sachen Open Access Neuland
November 27th 2013:
Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsschranke im Koalitionsvertrag
Oktober 14th 2013:
Zehn Forderungen gegen den Reformstau beim Wissenschaftsurheberrecht